HP Scanning Software DeskScan II v2.4 Information

This document contains information about HP DeskScan II v2.4 that has been updated after the regular documentation was printed.

Topics discussed in this document include:

* Upgrading from an earlier version of DeskScan
* Changes DeskScan II Setup makes to CONFIG.SYS and SYSTEM.INI
* The HPDS23.INI file
* Scanning for ColorSmart printer drivers
* Scaling images scanned with a transparency adapter
* DeskScan II and OS/2
* Making sure that TWAIN file versions are correct
* Controlling I/O space reserved for SJIIX.SYS device driver
* How to install DeskScan II with Norton Desktop
* DeskScan II and Windows NT
* DeskScan II and OS/2
* DeskScan II and OLE
* Removing DeskScan II from your computer
* Removing Win32s from your computer

Upgrading from an earlier version of DeskScan

The Setup program for DeskScan II v2.4 automatically upgrades earlier versions of DeskScan software.

Version 2.4 includes an HP ScanJet driver for ASPI- and CAM- compatible SCSI cards. This driver is for use ONLY with the HP ScanJet 4c, 4p, 3c, IIcx, IIc, 3p or IIp scanners. This driver will not function correctly with the original ScanJet (HP9190A) or ScanJet Plus scanners.

If you already have an ASPI or CAM SCSI card, the new driver provides the advantages of using one less interface card slot and using less expansion ROM memory space.

When you upgrade to version 2.4, the existing DESKSCAN.INI file is saved as DESKSCAN.BAK. If you have calibrated print paths that you want to save from the previous version of DeskScan, you can recover them from the DESKSCAN.BAK file (see the "DESKSCAN.INI file" section below for more information on recovering old calibration files).

Changes that DeskScan II Setup makes to CONFIG.SYS

Setup will ask your permission before making any changes to this file. Most people will benefit most from allowing Setup to make the changes that it suggests.

* If you are installing on a system that uses the Plug and Play HP SCSI card (HP P/N C2522-66500) shipped with newer ScanJet 4c and 4p scanners, Setup adds the following device driver lines:


* If you are installing on a system that uses the HP SCSI card (HP P/N C2502-66500 or C2503-66500) shipped with the older ScanJet 4c, 4p, and newer IIp as well as all ScanJet 3c, IIcx, 3p scanners, Setup adds the following device driver lines:


* If you are installing on a system that uses an ASPI- or CAM- compatible SCSI card (that is already installed in you computer), Setup adds the following device driver line:


* If you are installing on a system that uses the HP SCSI card (HP P/N C1753-66500 or C1752-66500) shipped with the ScanJet IIc and older IIp scanners, Setup adds the following device driver line:


* If you are installing for the ScanJet Plus scanner, Setup adds the following device driver line:


Changes that DeskScan II Setup makes to SYSTEM.INI

Setup will ask your permission before making any changes to this file. Most people will benefit most from allowing Setup to make the changes that it suggests.

* If you are installing on a system that uses the HP SCSI card (C1752/53-66500) shipped with the ScanJet IIc and older IIp scanners, Setup adds a line in the [386Enh] section that is similar to the following line:

EMMExclude=c800-cbff ;HP ScanJet Scanner card

The actual values in this line will depend on the switch settings on the card. The value of the switch settings can be seen at boot time when the scanner driver is loaded (Note: Watch the screen, because the switch settings are displayed very briefly).

Note: Setup will examine this file for old HP DeskScan modifications that are not valid for the new installation. For example, Setup will remove references to WIN400I.386 and HPSCANR.386 if you are installing for the HP ScanJet Plus scanner or the older HP SCSI card.


This is the DeskScan II "initialization" file. It stores DeskScan's default settings and any custom settings you specify to DeskScan as you run the program.

This file MUST reside in the DESKSCAN directory (the directory where you installed DeskScan II).

This file is not intended for modification by any program other than DeskScan. However, if you have created custom calibrations for your printers or applications in an earlier version of DeskScan, you can copy them to the new DESKSCAN.INI file.

To do this, open the old version (DESKSCAN.BAK) and the new version (DESKSCAN.INI) as ASCII files in a text editor. Copy all the lines under the [Calibrations] section in the .BAK file under the [Calibrations] section in the .INI file. Don't leave any blank lines after the [Calibrations] line.

If you installed the new version of DeskScan II over the old version, all the calibration files will be available. If you have installed DeskScan II into a new directory, you must copy all the file names called out under the [Calibrations] section from the old directory to the new.

The HPDS23.INI file

This file resides in the WINDOWS directory and is used so that the HP DeskScan II TWAIN data source can find the main DeskScan II program file. It maintains the directory name where you installed DeskScan II.

If this file becomes corrupted, DeskScan II displays an error message. To restore the file, copy the original version from the DESKSCAN directory to the WINDOWS directory.

If you rename the DESKSCAN directory (the directory where you installed DeskScan II), run DeskScan II by double-clicking the icon in the DeskScan II Program Manager Group BEFORE trying to run DeskScan II through TWAIN. This will allow DeskScan II to update the path in the HPDS23.INI file.

Scanning for ColorSmart printer drivers

DeskScan II includes a special calibration file to help you achieve better colors when printing to your color printer using a ColorSmart printer driver. Select this calibration file from within the Printer Calibration section of the Custom Print Path dialog box.

If the colors on your print-out do not closely match the original, try to create a custom print path for your printer and select "ColorSmart" in the Printer Calibration combo box.

If your printer is a 300 dpi device, we suggest that you enter "300" in the "Drawings and Halftones" text box and "100" in the "Photos" text box.

If you have a 600 dpi printer, we suggest that you enter "600" in the "Drawings and Halftones" text box and "150" in the "Photos" text box. Remember to name and "Add" your new print path before leaving the dialog.

For general information about how to create a custom Print Path for your printer that can be selected from the "Path" combo box on the DeskScan II front panel, please refer to chapter 4 in the DeskScan II User's Guide.

Scaling images scanned with a transparency adapter

The HP ScanJet 4c, 3c and IIcx scanners support scanning from a transparency adapter (the 4c/3c /T and IIcx /T).

Under some circumstances while scaling an image, minor defects common to all CCD scanners may become more noticeable.

If you are confronted with this problem, scan the image at 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 600, or 800 dpi. Then, transform the image to the desired resolution by "resampling" it with an image editor, such as Corel PhotoPaint or Adobe PhotoShop.

This will reduce or remove any CCD-related defects.

Making sure that TWAIN file versions are correct

It is important to the operation of DeskScan II that old versions of the DeskScan TWAIN data source files do not attempt to launch DeskScan II.

The best way to do this is to delete old TWAIN data source files from your system, or move them to a safe place as specified below.

* To move the old files to a safe place, create a directory in the WINDOWS directory called TWAINOLD. Copy any file named HPDSxx.DS from the WINDOWS\TWAIN directory into WINDOWS\TWAINOLD. Then delete the HPDSxx.DS file from the WINDOWS\TWAIN directory.

* To delete old versions, look into the WINDOWS\TWAIN directory. Delete any file named HPDSxx.DS.

NOTE: If you have an older version of DeskScan II on your system, the default TWAIN data source will be updated to use the new 32-bit DeskScan. The older version HPDSxx.DS in the WINDOWS\TWAIN directory will be renamed to HPDSxx.OLD.

Controlling I/O space reserved for the ASPI416.SYS device driver (Win 3.1/3.11 only)

The newer HP ScanJet 4c and 4p scanners includes a SCSI interface card (HP P/N C2522-66500) with ISA Plug and Play functionality. This means that it uses the Plug and Play services of your computer to configure itself. It also automatically configures itself in non Plug and Play computers. The 4c and 4p card uses one on the following I/O spaces for data transfer:

xx00 xx80
xx20 xxA0 where xx = any number between 2 and FF, inclusive
xx40 xxC0
xx60 xxE0

If you want to choose the I/O space ASPI416.SYS uses in a non Plug and Play computer, change the following line in your CONFIG.SYS file:





Where <I/O space> is one the above mentioned spaces.

For example, if the desired I/O space is 240 the new line should be:


Most users will NOT want to make this change. It is only necessary if one determines that the SCSI card is interfering with another adapter card in one's system.

If you want the card to configure itself instead of using the Plug and Play services of your computer, change the following line in your CONFIG.SYS file:





This will also force the card to operate without an IRQ.

Most users will NOT want to make this change. It is only necessary if one determines that Plug and Play is causing the SCSI card to interfere with another adapter card in one's system, or if all of the appropriate IRQ settings are used by other adapter cards.

How to install DeskScan II with Norton Desktop

If you are running MS Windows using the Norton Desktop as the shell, HP recommends that you install DeskScan II using the default directory, C:\DESKSCAN. If you intend to install to C:\DESKSCAN, you don't need to read the rest of this section.

If you want to install to different directory, you MUST change the shell to PROGMAN.EXE before installing DeskScan II! (There is a compatibility issue between the DESKSCAN II setup and Norton Desktop.)

Follow these steps to change the shell:

1. From Windows, run NOTEPAD.EXE and open the SYSTEM.INI file (which is in the \WINDOWS directory).

2. In the [boot] section of the SYSTEM.INI file, you will find a line that reads: shell=ndw.exe.

Make a copy of this line and insert a ";" (semicolon) as the first character in one of the two lines.

3. Change the second copy to read: shell=progman.exe

4. Save the file, close NOTEPAD and restart Windows.

After DeskScan II has been successfully installed, you can switch back to Norton Desktop by following these steps:

1. From Windows, run NOTEPAD.EXE and open the SYSTEM.INI file (which is in the \WINDOWS directory).

2. In the [boot] section, find the copy of the line with the semicolon that includes "shell=ndw.exe". Remove the semicolon.

3. Find the copy of the line you made that includes "shell=progman.exe". Delete it.

4. Save the file, close NOTEPAD and restart Windows.

DeskScan II and Windows/NT

DeskScan II v2.4 is not currently supported under Windows/NT. However, if you would like to try running DeskScan II on your system with Windows/NT, call HP's Automated Support Access Program at 1-800-333-1917 (or 1-208-344-4809), or your local support provider for the most current information about support for MS Windows/NT.

You can also check the HP Peripherals forum on CompuServe or Internet to find the latest information.

At any CompuServe prompt type, "Go HPPER"

To connect via the Internet, use either the alias, ftp-Boi.external.hp.com or the IP address, Login as 'anonymous'. Use your Internet alias as the password (e.g. 'yahoo@lab.hp.com').

DeskScan II and OS/2

DeskScan II v2.3 is not currently supported under OS/2. However call HP's Automated Support Access Program at 1-800-333-1917 (or 1-208-344-4809) for information allowing use with OS/2.

You can also check the HP Peripherals forum on CompuServe or Internet to find the latest information.

At any CompuServe prompt type, "Go HPPER" To connect via the Internet, use either the alias, ftp-Boi.external.hp.com or the IP address, Login as 'anonymous'. Use your Internet alias as the password (e.g. 'yahoo@lab.hp.com').

DesksScan II and OLE

Memory Usage

The use of OLE requires a lot of memory which may cause problems if you don't have enough RAM in your system. You'll probably encounter this problem only if you're running 16-bit Windows (Windows 3.11, Windows for Workgroups, etc.). One symptom indicating a memory problem is that an application may report that it is unable to find a selected server even though the server application is correctly registered (check the registry to make sure). What is really happening is that there isn't enough memory to load the server and the associated system DLLs and the application assumes the failure was due to registration problems.

File Size

Extra data is stored with a scanned image when it's embedded in an OLE object. The extra data is roughly the size of the image, which may be quite large. If file size is a concern, you might prefer using methods other than OLE to store your images in documents. Try using TWAIN, paste from the clipboard, files, etc.


You might encounter problems updating a DeskScan object embedded in a WordPad document. You can avoid this problem by using an alternative method to embed images in a WordPad document as follows: run DeskScan standalone and save an image as a .BMP file; save it to the Desktop. An icon representing the image will show up on the Desktop. Drag this icon into the WordPad window and drop it into the WordPad document. You can double click on the image to edit it. (Note that the image doesn't have to be saved to the Desktop. You can drag an image icon from any directory into a WordPad document.)

Window NT 3.5

The following problem may occur if you're running Client Service for NetWare and Windows NT 3.5. Some container applications may lock up if you close the container while you have an active embedded DeskScan object. To avoid this problem, close the image editor before closing the document that contains the embedded image.

Windows NT 3.51

Write may lock up while trying to activate an embedded DeskScan object.

Corel PHOTO-PAINT Select

If you've installed the Corel PhotoPaint Select software, you can embed Corel PhotoPaint objects directly into your OLE documents by selecting Corel PhotoPaint object in the Insert Object dialog. This starts the Corel server which asks you if you want to scan an image. If you decide to scan you can use DeskScan to scan an image that becomes embedded as a Corel PhotoPaint object.

Removing DeskScan II from your computer

You can run UNINSTAL.EXE to remove the DeskScan II v2.4 from your system. NOTE: Be sure DeskScan II v2.4 is in the same directory where you installed it. If you have moved DeskScan to a different directory or drive, UNINSTAL.EXE will not work properly. To manually uninstall the DeskScan II v2.4 application from your computer follow the steps below.

NOTE: If you have other HP ScanJet software installed on your system, you should skip the ScanJet Drivers section and go to the DeskScan section.

ScanJet Drivers:

1) Make a backup copy of your CONFIG.SYS and WINDOWS\SYSTEM.INI files.

2) Run SYSEDIT.EXE located in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory and do the following:

a) If either of these lines are present in your SYSTEM.INI file, remove them:


[Note: the path represented by the three dots, "...", will usually be "C:\DESKSCAN". If you installed DeskScan II to a different directory, enter the appropriate path name.

b) If any of the following lines are present in your CONFIG.SYS file, remove them:


[Note: the path represented by the three dots, "...", will usually be "C:\DESKSCAN". If you installed DeskScan II to a different directory, enter the appropriate path name.

c) Delete the following files in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory if they exist

HPSJCLAS.DLL (Windows95 only)

d) Windows95 only: Delete SCANJET.INF from the WINDOWS\INF directory

DeskScan II:

1. Delete the following files from your WINDOWS directory:


2. Delete the following file from your WINDOWS\TWAIN_32 directory:


3. Delete all of the files in the directory where DeskScan II v2.4 was installed.

4. Remove the directory where DeskScan II v2.4 was installed.

5. From the Windows Program Manager, delete the Program Manager Group where DeskScan II v2.4 was installed. The DeskScan II icons will be removed automatically.

DeskScan II v2.4 has been successfully removed from your computer.

NOTE: Win32s will not be removed by running UNINSTAL.EXE since some other applications on your system might use it. To manually uninstall Win32s follow the steps below.

Removing Win32s from your computer (Windows 3.1/3.11 only)

Remove Win32s from your system ONLY if you do NOT have any other 32-bit applications installed on your system.

1) Delete the following files from your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.


2) Remove the WIN32S directory.

3) Remove the following settings in your SYSTEM.INI in your WINDOWS directory.

drivers = winmm16.dll in the [boot] section
device=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WIN32S\w32s.386 in the [386Enh] section