HP Scanning Software v3.0 Information

This is the README.WRI file for HP PictureScan, HP ScanJet Copy Utility, HP Scanner Calibration, and the other utility programs for the HP Scanning Software. It provides suggestions for using the HP Scanning Software that are not included in the product documentation.

Table of Contents:

1. HP ScanJet Scanner Setup
a. Changes Setup makes to the system files for Windows 3.1/3.11
b. Changes Setup makes on systems using Windows 95
c. Removing the HP Scanning Software from your computer
d. Removing Win32s from your computer (Windows 3.1/3.11 only)
e. Upgrading from HP PictureScan 2.0 to HP PictureScan 3.0 on Windows 95
2. HP PictureScan
a. HP PictureScan and OLE
b. Cancel button during ADF scanning
c. Updating an out-of-date TWAIN data source
d. Running HP PictureScan stand-alone
e. Hints for image and print quality
3. HP ScanJet Copy Utility
a. Recommendations for the best copy results

4. HP Scanner Calibration Utility

a. Recommendations for the best printing results
5. Other Application Notes
a. HP Screen Calibration and the HP DeskJet & LaserJet Status Monitor applications
b. Using the Microsoft Word Image Link in Paperport
6. Upgrading from Windows 3.1/3.11 to Windows 95
a. Getting Windows 95 to recognize the HP SCSI card
1. HP ScanJet Scanner Setup

A. Changes setup makes to the system files for Windows 3.1/3.11
Setup can make changes to your CONFIG.SYS and SYSTEM.INI files during the installation process. Setup will ask your permission before making any of these changes. Most people will benefit from allowing Setup to make the changes that it suggests.
1. Changes that HP ScanJet Scanner Setup makes to CONFIG.SYS
* If you are using an HP ScanJet 5p or a newer HP ScanJet 4p or 4c (that uses the Plug and Play HP I/O mapped SCSI card; P/N C2522-66500), Setup adds the following two device driver lines:
* If you are using an older HP ScanJet 4p or 4c, or a newer IIp (that uses the HP I/O mapped SCSI card; P/N C2502-66500 or C2503-66500), or any 3p, 3c, or IIcx, Setup adds the following two device driver lines:
* If you are installing on a system that uses an ASPI- or CAM-compatible SCSI card that is already installed in your computer, Setup adds the following device driver line:
* If you are using an HP ScanJet IIc or an older IIp (that uses the HP ROM based SCSI card; P/N C1752-66500 or C1753-66500), Setup adds the following device driver line:
2. Changes that HP ScanJet Scanner Setup makes to SYSTEM.INI (found in the Windows directory)
* If you are installing on a system that uses Windows 3.1/3.11 or Windows for Workgroups, and Setup installed the Win32s files; the following changes will be added to this file:
In the [boot] section, winmm16.dll is added to the "drivers=" line. There will be more than one DLL listed on this line; "winmm16.dll" is added to the list:
In the [386Enh] section the following line is added:
* If you are using an HP ScanJet IIc or an older IIp (that uses the HP ROM based SCSI card; P/N C1752-66500 or C1753-66500), Setup adds a line in the [386Enh] section that is similar to the following:
EMMExclude=c800-cbff ;HP ScanJet Scanner Card
The actual values in this line will depend on the switch settings on the card. The value of the switch settings are displayed very briefly at boot time when the scanner driver is loaded.
NOTE: Setup will examine this file for old modifications that are not valid for the new installation and remove some lines if necessary.
B. Changes Setup makes on systems using Windows 95
The HP ScanJet Scanner Setup program will make changes to the system registry as needed to set up the software. These changes are handled automatically by the Setup program.
C. Removing the HP Scanning Software from your computer
You can run UNINSTAL.EXE to remove the HP Scanning Software from your computer.
NOTE: Be sure the software is in the same directory where you originally installed it. If you have moved the software to a different directory or drive, UNINSTAL.EXE will not work properly.
To start the UNINSTAL.EXE program, click on the HP Uninstall icon in your HP Scanning Software program group.
* On Windows 3.1/3.11, the program will ask if you want to remove the drivers from config.sys and system.ini.
If you have any other scanning software on your system, you should respond No to this dialog. If you respond Yes to this dialog, Uninstall will remove the drivers from config.sys and system.ini and any other specified files in the UNINSTAL.INI file under the [DRIVERS] section. Responding Yes to the dialog will mean that any software that works with the HP ScanJet scanner will no longer be able to communicate with your scanner.
* On Windows 95, the Uninstall program will not remove the drivers. If you need to remove the scanner drivers, use the Add/Remove Hardware option from the Control Panel and follow the instructions from your Windows 95 manual to complete this task.
* When the UNINSTAL.EXE program is complete, any files you added to the program directory, including previously scanned image files, will stay intact.
* The Windows program group will be completely deleted if there were not any icons added after the install.
NOTE: Uninstall will not remove Win32S from your system. This is because it cannot know if any other programs are using these files or not. Uninstall will also not remove the TWAIN DLLs from your Windows/System directory. Once again, other programs may need to use these files.
D. Removing Win32s from your computer (Windows 3.1/3.11 only)
Remove Win32s from your system ONLY if you do NOT have any other 32-bit applications installed on your system.
1) Delete the following files from your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory:
2) Remove the WIN32S directory.
3) Remove the following settings from your SYSTEM.INI file in your WINDOWS directory.
In the [boot] section remove the following DLL from the "drivers=" line. There will be more than one DLL listed on this line; just remove "winmm16.dll" from the list:
In the [386Enh] section remove the following line:
E. Upgrading from HP PictureScan 2.0 to HP PictureScan 3.0 on Windows 95
If you are running Windows 95 and are upgrading from HP PictureScan 2.0 to HP PictureScan 3.0 the scanner calibrations are incompatible. The old calibrations should be removed and new calilbrations created to give the best results on your printer.
1) Click the Start button and select Programs, HP Scanning Software, HP ScanJet Scanner Calibration.
2) Click OK.
3) Click the View button.
4) Click on name of an existing calibration. Click the Remove button. Click the Yes button in the confirmation dialog.
5) Repeat step 4 until no calibrations remain.
6) Calibrate the scanner with the printers again using the HP Scanner Calibration that came with HP PictureScan 3.0.
2. HP PictureScan

A. HP PictureScan and OLE
1. Memory Usage:
The use of OLE requires a lot of memory, which may cause problems if you do not have enough RAM in your system. You will probably encounter this problem only if you are running 16-bit Windows (Windows 3.11, Windows for Workgroups, etc.). One symptom indicating a memory problem is that an application may report that it is unable to find a selected server, even though the server application is correctly registered. What is really happening is that there is not enough memory to load the server and the associated system DLLs, and the application assumes the failure was due to registration problems.
2. File Size:
Extra data is stored with a scanned image when it is embedded in an OLE object. The extra data is roughly the size of the image, which may be quite large. If file size is a concern, you might prefer using methods other than OLE to store your images in documents. Try using TWAIN, pasting from the clipboard, importing files, etc.
B. Cancel button during ADF scanning
When scanning using the ADF from Visioneer PaperPort, the Cancel button in the progress dialog will not always respond to a mouse click. Try pressing the Enter key on the keyboard to cancel the scan, or simply remove the rest of the pages from the ADF. Always let the current page continue to be fed; the scan will terminate after the current page.
C. Updating an out-of-date TWAIN data source
It is important to the operation of HP PictureScan that old verions of the HP PictureScan TWAIN data source files do not attempt to launch HP PictureScan. If you get a message that says "The TWAIN data source picked in the Select Source dialog box is out-of date.", check the following in order to correct the problem:
The best way to correct this problem is to delete old TWAIN data source files from your system, or move them to a safe place as specified below.
* To move the old files to a safe place, create a directory in the WINDOWS directory called TWAINOLD. Look in the WINDOWS\TWAIN directory and copy the file named HPPS.DS into WINDOWS\TWAINOLD. Then delete the HPPS.DS file from the WINDOWS\TWAIN directory.
* To delete old versions, look in the WINDOWS\TWAIN directory. Delete the file named HPPS.DS.
D. Running HP PictureScan stand-alone
If you need to run only the scanning software and save scanned pictures to a file, it is possible to run HP PictureScan stand-alone. You can do this in one of two ways:
1) From the Windows File Manager or the Windows Explorer, double click on the HPPSCAN.EXE file in the SCANJET directory.
2) In Windows 3.1/3.11, add a new program icon to your HP Scanning Software program group, or in Windows 95 create a shortcut for HP PictureScan. In both cases, the command line should be SCANJET\HPPSCAN.EXE. Once this is set up, you can run HP PictureScan stand-alone by double clicking on the new program icon.
When running the program stand-alone, it will scan once per launch and thus save one file each time it is run.
E. Hints for image and print quality:
* If you use multiple printers, make sure your destination option is set up for the correct printer each time you scan.
* If you change the paper in your printer, make sure you modify your printer Setup options in the Control Panel/Printer/Setup dialog to match the type of paper you are using.
* If you change from ColorSmart defaults to Manual Color/Match Screen/Photos, you will need to rerun HP Scanner Calibration and create a new calibration destination for these settings. In general, use a new calibration destination for each set of non-default Printer Setup options.
* When using HP Scanner Calibration to create a destination, make sure that the Printer Setup options that are in effect when you print the calibration targets are also in effect when you print your scanned images. Also, use the same type of paper for both.
3. HP ScanJet Copy Utility

A. Recommendations for the best copy results:
* Use HP ColorSmart printers and drivers.
* When you have a choice, print to the PCL driver rather than the PostScript driver for quicker copies.
* Color LaserJet users who would like to improve copy speed may want to consider using the HP DeskJet 1600C driver with Color LaserJet family printers.
4. HP Scanner Calibration Utility

A. Recommendations for the best printing results:
The characteristics of your printer, printer driver, and paper used will determine the quality of your printed images. You may obtain pleasing printed images using the default destination chosen at install time. If you are not satisfied with the quality of your printed images, you may choose to run the HP Scanner Calibration utility to optimize print quality. Results are highly dependent on your printer setup options, paper quality, ink or toner quality, and printer characteristics. For the best results, follow the recommendations listed below:
* Consult your printer manufacturer's manual for Printer Setup options that produce the best quality output for photographs (some printer drivers are optimized for text and business graphics).
* Use HP ColorSmart printers and drivers, HP ink or toner cartridges, and high quality paper products.
* For printing photographs on HP color printers, you may prefer to use non-default ColorSmart settings. In the Printer Setup dialog, choose Manual Color, click Options, then under the Photos heading, choose Match Screen. Then click OK.
* Be sure to use Best or High Print Quality in your Printer Setup options.
* Match the paper type you are using with the Media Type setting in Printer Setup. For example, use HP Premium InkJet paper with the HP Premium InkJet Paper Media Type setting.
5. Other Application Notes

A. HP Screen Calibration and the HP DeskJet & LaserJet Status Monitor applications
If you have either the HP DeskJet Status Monitor application or HP LaserJet Status Monitor application running on your computer, close this application before installing your HP Scanning Software or before using the HP Screen Calibration utility.
B. Using the Microsoft Word Image Link in Paperport
For certain image sizes (depends on the memory in the system) the transfer will fail without any notification. The transfer will appear successful, but Word will not show the image and there will not be an error message. One possible solution is to close other applications when attempting to transfer images from PaperPort to Word.
When transferring an image to Word there can not be any Word dialogs up or the transfer will fail. This is most common in Word 6.0 if Word is not running and Tip of the Day is turned on. If you then drag an image on to the Word Image Link in the PaperPort desktop, Word will be launched, and the Tip of the Day dialog will come up. This dialog will prevent the image from being transferred successfully. The solutions are as follows:
* Turn off Tip of the Day
* Launch Word and close the Tip of the Day dialog before attempting to transfer an image to Word. If another dialog is being displayed close this dialog before attempting to transfer an image.
Any annotations on the image will be transferred in black and white rather than in color as they appear on the PaperPort desktop. There is no solution to this limitation.
6. Upgrading from Windows 3.1/3.11 to Windows 95

A. Getting Windows 95 to recognize the HP SCSI card and scanner
1) Install the HP Scanning Software from Windows 95.
2) Click the Start button, and select Settings and then Control Panel
3) Double click on System and then select the Device Manager tab.
4) Double click on Other Devices.
5) Click on the name SYM 53C416.
6) Click on the Remove button and click on OK in the confirmation dialog.
7) Click on the Refresh button.
8) The computer will display the New Hardware Found dialog with SYM 53C416. Make sure the option "Driver from disk provided by hardware manufacturer" is selected. Click OK.
9) Insert the HP Scanning Software Drivers Disk or the CD in the appropriate drive. Make sure the drive designation is correct. Click OK.
10) Another New Hardware Found dialog will appear for the HP scanner and files will be copied to allow Windows 95 to support the HP ScanJet scanner.
11) Click the Close button.
12) Close the Control Panel window.
Your HP ScanJet scanner is now ready to run with Windows 95.