HP ScanJet 5s Information

This is the README.WRI file for the HP ScanJet 5s. It provides suggestions for using the HP ScanJet 5s that are not included in the product documentation.

Table of Contents:

1. HP ScanJet 5s Setup

a. Disk space required
b. Special Notes for Windows 3.1 and Windows NT 4.0
c. Changes Setup makes on systems using Windows 3.1 or Windows 3.11
d. Changes Setup makes on systems using Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0
e. Removing the HP ScanJet 5s software from your computer
f. Finding files on the CD-ROM

2. Parallel Port Compatibility

a. Verify printing
b. Verify scanning
c. Note to HP LaserJet users
d. Note to HP DeskJet users
e. For problems with non-HP printers
f. Turning off automatic software launch
g. Supported parallel port addresses
h. If you have more than 1 parallel port
i. Increasing your scanning speed

3. HP ScanJet 5s Product Notes

a. About the scanning progress monitor
b. Feeding multiple documents through the ADF
c. Cleaning the scanner

4. Application Notes

a. Using the Microsoft Word image link in PaperPort
b. Scanner Applications and the HP ScanJet 5s
c. Using Microsoft PictureIt! 1.0 with the HP ScanJet 5s


1. HP ScanJet 5s Setup

a. Disk space required
The HP ScanJet 5s Setup program requires approximately 24 megabytes of disk space to successfully install all of the software components. Once installed, the software will occupy approximately 12 megabytes of disk space.
b. Special Notes for Windows 3.1 and Windows NT 4.0
* If you are installing in Windows 3.1, please make sure that the program SHARE.EXE, found in your DOS directory, is loaded in AUTOEXEC.BAT. Look for a line similar to C:\dos\share.exe. This is automatically taken care of for you if you are running Windows 3.11.
* If you install a program that installs Win32s files onto your system after you have already installed the HP ScanJet 5s, you will need to re-install the HP ScanJet 5s for it to operate properly.
* If you are installing or un-installing in Windows NT 4.0, you must have administrator privileges to complete the installation or un-install process.
c. Changes Setup makes on systems using Windows 3.1 or Windows 3.11
The HP ScanJet 5s Setup program will make changes to WIN.INI as needed to set up the software. These changes are handled automatically by the Setup program.
d. Changes Setup makes on systems using Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0
The HP ScanJet 5s Setup program will make changes to the system registry as needed to set up the software. These changes are handled automatically by the Setup program.
e. Removing the HP ScanJet 5s Software from your computer
You can run UNINSTAL.EXE to remove the HP ScanJet 5s software from your computer.
NOTE: Be sure the software is in the same directory where you originally installed it. If you have moved the software to a different directory or drive, UNINSTAL.EXE will not work properly.
To start the UNINSTAL.EXE program, click on the HP Uninstall icon in your HP Scanning Software program group.
* In Windows 3.1 or Windows 3.11, click on the HP Uninstall icon in your HP Scanning Software program group, or run the file UInst16.exe found in the \SCANJET5S directory.
* In Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0, choose the Add/Remove Programs option from the Control Panel, select the HP ScanJet 5s, and follow the instructions in your Microsoft Windows manual to complete this task.
* When the UNINSTAL.EXE program is complete, any files you added to the program directory, including previously scanned image files, will stay intact.
* The HP ScanJet 5s Software program group will be completely deleted if no icons were added after the install.
NOTE: Uninstall will not remove the TWAIN DLLs from your Windows directory. This is because it does not know if any other programs are using these files or not.
f. Finding files on the CD-ROM
* If you would like to view the help file before installing the software, you can find uncompressed versions of the help file in both Microsoft Word format and also Windows help file format. These files are located at \scanjet\disk3\ on the CD. If you have the floppy disk version of the software, the files are located on Disk3.
* The PaperPort viewer program is also available on the CD-ROM. This program allows users who do not have PaperPort to view files created with PaperPort. The files required for the PaperPort viewer are located at \paprport\viewer\ on the CD. If you have the floppy disk version of the software, the files are located on a separate PaperPort viewer disk.
2. Parallel Port Compatibility
The HP ScanJet 5s is designed to work seamlessly with your existing Windows-compatible parallel port printer. All products that follow the Windows guidelines for sharing the parallel port should work fine with your HP ScanJet 5s scanner. If you have another device connected to your scanner and if you experience problems, please check the following items:
a. Verify Printing
Print a short document to ensure that your printer is still communicating properly. If the document prints OK, you have no compatibility problems.
If the printing is not successful, you may need to turn off the automatic software launch feature in the HP ScanJet 5s. For information on how to do this, see the information below.
b. Verify Scanning
Insert a document into the scanner and make sure the scanning software automatically starts up after a few seconds. If it does not, the device connected to your scanner may not share the parallel port properly. Check to see if any connected device, such as a printer, has a status monitor or some other software which constantly monitors the parallel port. If it has such a program, follow the manufacturer's instructions to turn it off.
c. Note to HP LaserJet users
If you have an HP LaserJet printer attached to your scanner, you can turn off or uninstall the HP LaserJet status monitor to make better use of both your scanner and your printer. For information on how to do this refer to your HP LaserJet documentation. If you prefer to leave this feature enabled for your printer, then for best results you should turn off the automatic software launch feature of the HP ScanJet 5s. See the section below for more information on how to do this.
d. Note to HP DeskJet users
If you have an HP DeskJet printer attached to your scanner, you can turn off or uninstall the HP DeskJet status monitor to make better use of both your scanner and your printer. In addition, you can also turn off your printer's "bi-directional" communication option. To do this, look for a file named HPRCFG02.EXE (or something similar depending on your HP DeskJet model number) in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory and run this program. Click Continue in the dialog box that appears. In the configuration dialog that appears next, uncheck the box labeled "Bi-directional Communication" and click the OK button. For more information, refer to your HP DeskJet documentation.
e. For problems with non-HP printers
If you have problems printing or scanning while the HP ScanJet 5s is connected to your printer, you may need to change the configuration of either the scanner or the printer. If your printer supports bi-directional communication, turn it off and the problems should be resolved. See your printers' documentation for information on how to do this. If you printer doesn't support his feature or this change does not fix the problem, then you should follow the directions below to turn off the automatic software launch feature of the HP ScanJet 5s.
f. Turning off automatic software launch
To turn off the automatic software launch feature of the HP ScanJet 5s, follow the steps listed below. To turn the feature back on, follow the same steps but reset the frequency from 0 to 5000.
* In Windows 3.1 or Windows 3.11, run the program pollstop.exe. This program is located at \scanjet\disk3\ on the CD. If you have the floppy disk version of the software, the program is located on Disk3. You may also turn off this feature by editing the SJ5S.INI directly using the following steps:

Edit the file SJ5S.INI which is located in the WINDOWS directory.

In the SJ5S.INI file, locate the following line:
Polling Frequency=5000
change it to:
Polling Frequency=0
then save the file and restart Windows.
* In Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0, run the program plstop32.exe. This program is located at \scanjet\disk3\ on the CD. If you have the floppy disk version of the software, the program is located on Disk3. You may also turn off this feature by editing the Windows registry directly using the following steps:
Run the system Registry Editor. To do this, click the Windows Start button and select Run. Type regedit and press OK.
In the Registry Editor, select the following path:
In the right pane of the window, look for the entry titled Polling Frequency. Select this item and then choose Modify from the Edit menu. In the box titled Value Data enter 0 and click OK.
Close the Registry Editor and restart Windows.
g. Supported parallel port addresses
* In Windows 3.1, Windows 3.11 and Windows 95, the HP ScanJet 5s supports all common parallel port addresses.
* In Windows NT 4.0, the HP ScanJet 5s supports only the standard addresses for LPT1 (0x378) and LPT2 (0x278).
h. If you have more than 1 parallel port
If you have more than 1 parallel port in your computer, it is recommended that your use the HP ScanJet 5s on LPT1 and your printer on LPT2.
i. Increasing your scanning speed
The HP ScanJet 5s supports scanning in all of the most common parallel port modes including SPP (standard or nibble mode), EPP, and ECP. The factory setting for the HP ScanJet 5s is to scan using SPP mode at all times in order to ensure the highest level of compatibility. However, if you wish to increase your scanning speed and your system supports a more enhanced parallel port mode, you can follow the following steps to configure the HP ScanJet 5s to scan in either EPP or ECP mode.
* In Windows 3.1 or Windows 3.11, edit the file SJ5S.INI which is located in the WINDOWS directory.
In the SJ5S.INI file, locate the following line:
change it to:
then save the file and restart Windows.
* In Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0, run the system Registry Editor. To do this, click the Windows Start button and select Run. Type regedit and press OK.
In the Registry Editor, select the following path:
In the right pane of the window, look for the entry titled LPT Type. Select this item and then choose Modify from the Edit menu. In the box titled Value Data enter EPP and click OK.
Close the Registry Editor and restart Windows.
After following the steps above and restarting Windows, try a scan to see if the speed has increased. If it has, then your computer was already setup with an enhanced parallel port version. If the speed has not increased, your computer is most likely not setup in either EPP or ECP mode. For more information on the parallel port modes available on your computer and how to change them, please see the documentation that came with the computer.
If making any of these changes causes compatibility problems with your computer or any other parallel port devices, you should follow the above steps again and reset the LPT Type to SPP mode.

3. HP ScanJet 5s Product Notes

a. About the scanning progress monitor
Depending on the resolution of your monitor and the number of colors that it can display, the colors displayed in the scanning progress monitor may not be very accurate. However, the actual scanned data will be correct.
b. Feeding multiple documents through the ADF
The document feeder (ADF) integrated in the HP ScanJet 5s is designed to handle up to 10 pages at a time for normal paper lengths and weights. Multiple feeding of photographs, business cards, card stock, extra light or extra heavy paper is not supported. These materials should be scanned one page at a time. Also, multiple feeding is only supported for pages at least 6 inches (150 millimeters) in length.
c. Cleaning the scanner
If it becomes necessary, you can carefully clean parts of the scanner. Carefully open the door of the scanner. Using a cotton swab soaked with alcohol, gently wipe the swab across the scanner's glass window. For best results, you can also clean the white strip which is on the inside of the door at the same height as the glass window, using the same procedure.

4. Other Application Notes

a. Using the Microsoft Word Image Link in PaperPort
For certain image sizes (depends on the memory in the system) the transfer will fail without any notification. The transfer will appear successful, but Word will not show the image and there will not be an error message. One possible solution is to close other applications when attempting to transfer images from PaperPort to Microsoft Word.
When transferring an image to Word there can not be any Word dialogs boxes up on the screen or the transfer will fail. This is most common in Word 6.0 if Word is not running and Tip of the Day is turned on. If you then drag an image on to the Word Image Link in the PaperPort desktop, Word will be launched and the Tip of the Day dialog will come up. This dialog will prevent the image from being transferred successfully. The solutions are as follows:
* Turn off Tip of the Day.
* Launch Word and close the Tip of the Day dialog box before attempting to transfer an image to Word. If another dialog box is being displayed, close this before attempting to transfer an image.
Any annotations on the image will be transferred in black and white rather than in color as they appear on the PaperPort desktop. There is no solution to this limitation.
Please note that the Microsoft Word Image Link in PaperPort is not supported on Windows NT 4.0.
b. Scanner Applications and the HP ScanJet 5s
Some scanner applications list supported HP scanners by name. For such applications, if the HP ScanJet 5s is not listed by name, use the application's generic "TWAIN Scanner" setting instead.
c. Using Microsoft PictureIt! 1.0 with the HP ScanJet 5s
When scanning with Microsoft PictureIt! 1.0 in Windows 95 or Windows NT, if you move the mouse over the filmstrip area of PictureIt! while the HP ScanJet 5s software is running, the PictureIt! window will come to the front and hide the HP ScanJet 5s window. To return to the scanning software, choose the HP ScanJet 5s icon on the task bar.
Final Note:
Whenever you start the HP ScanJet 5s software by inserting paper into the scanner, a welcome screen appears before the scanning software starts up. If you would like to turn off that welcome screen, you can edit the INI file or system registry as detailed in the section above titled Turning off automatic software launch. When editing the INI file or system registry, look for the entry titled Application Launch. The parameter for that entry will look similar to:
Application Launch c:\scnjet5s\5slaunch.exe /L
To remove the splash screen, simply remove the /L option at the end of the line so that they entry appears as:
Application Launch c:\scnjet5s\5slaunch.exe