Mike's Campus - Graphics

Typography (3q) - Mrs. Kibby
Assignment: Week 3 - Create graphics with word called Word Form and Function in Illustrator CS2

Assignment: Week 7 - Create a graphic describing your trip to school.

Digital Illustration (4q) - Mr. Frisbie
Assignment: Week 7 - Create a montage of different images incorporating a choosen quote or section of text.

Assignment: Week 8 - Create a realistic environment by adding and removing objects to an existing photo.
Look at the Final Edit before looking at the last two images to guess what I removed and added.

Assignment: Final - Create an original book cover, web splash page, and 3 illustrations for the book.

Ideation and Rapid Visualization (8q) - Mrs. Wallace
Assignment: Week 7 - Create a six new road signs in a Warning diamond shape.

Assignment: Week 7 - Create a new idea from two different objects.

Assignment: Week 7 - Create a graphic incorporating a bar code.

Assignment: Week 7 - Create a logo using a text character and graphic pertaining to the business.

Assignment: Week 7 - Create a three graphics incorporating a specified object.

Assignment: Week 7 - Create a a new English letter and use it in a sentence.

Assignment: Week 7 - Create a three faces using a one text character.

Assignment: Week 7 - Create a timeline, chart, or graphic.

Assignment: Week 7 - Redeveloped an existing idea or create your own. Draw it. Brainstorm it, and describe it all in a final report. Also, give a presentation of your idea to the class.

Assignment: Final - Create a postcard front, back, and a stamp. Use the stamp on the postmarked back sent to a person in Texas.

Color Fundamentals (8q) - Mrs. Rosenthal
Assignment: Final - Create a 3 different abstract paintings using 3 different types of color schemes.

Digital Color (9q) - Mrs. Schafer
Assignment: Week 4 - Create a graphic displaying the different kinds of color combination types.

Assignment: Week 5 Midterm - Create 2 graphics using a choice of supplied text and 1 of my choice.

Assignment: Final - Create 4 graphics using different color combinations with a related theme. I chose some of the local professional sports teams as my theme

Intro To Scripting Languages (10q) - Mr. Likens
Assignment: Week 7 - Create 3 color comp mock web pages based on a chosen business

Bumper Sticker Submission for Bumper Sticker Contest (Jan 28, 2019)
Assignment: A contest held at Teleperformance for Bumper Sticker Contest. This was my chance to create a real bumper sticker. The location was closed soon after my submittal. I was told I won, but not officially.

Rainwater Entertainment Media Passes
Assignment: Create media passes for a local Dallas area company. Three actual passes and a sample were provided to the company and CEO.

Mini Portfolio
Assignment: Create a Mini Portfolio for MS PowerPoint export.

Job Interview Leave Behind
Assignment: Create a Leave Behind that is designed in a booklet format.

Microsoft Power Automate Flow - When Email Arrives
Objective: Create a MS Power Automate Flow which will monitor and download email file attachments.

Art Submission PDF