Mike's Campus - Technical Documents

Accumatch (2019 - 2020)

Parsing data from PDFs using SSIS (C#)
Reading and
Parsing Large PDFs
with SSIS
Reading folder and
subfolders for PDFs
with SSIS
Reading and Scraping
Adobe PDFs
with SSIS

Parsing data from PDFs using Python (Python)
20190711_WashingtonPDF 20190712_ExtractPDF PuebloCountyPDF ForfLandNotSold SalesList DelinquentList
20190716_ForfLandSold 20190716_LenderTaxList 20190717_ALDelinquentLand 20190717_KootenaiCounty 20190722_StaffordCounty 20190726_MilageRates
20190726_OrangeCounty 20190726_WhitePine 20190729_Receivables 20190806_MichiganAuction 20190806_StClair 20190808_MichiganExtra
20190808_MichiganForeclosure 20190815_WasatchCounty 20190819_TaxSaleListing 20190821_CityOfTrenton 20190821_UpsetTaxSale 20190822_MobileHome
20190822_TaxSaleList 20190827_IronCounty

AI Flow Chart
When Email Arrives
with Attachment (image)
Business Process Flowchart

The Art Institute of Dallas (1999 - 2016)

General Documents/Guides
Adding Switches
to Applications
Burning CDs with the
Iomega HotBurn Software
in Windows XP
Creating Accumark
Storage Folder
Creating Dynamic SVG
images in Delphi
Creating a Virtual
Directory in IIS
IIS 5 Log Files
Kiosk Controls MAC Scanning
with the HP4570c
Operating the
ArtixScan 4000t
Right Click Testing the Object Rig
with eMCee software
Using Plot2003 utility
Where is that
Darn File